by News Editor

Dear Florida ILJ Family,
As the summer sun shines brightly on the eve of fall, we reflect on the changes of what this summer has brought to Florida Immigration Law and Justice Center (Florida ILJ). For many people across the country, summer time is a time of planning vacations and leisure activities. One might assume that that many industries, including immigration law, experience a summer slowdown, however summer 2023, has been busier than ever for Florida ILJ.
During this summer, we have seen an increase in demand for services. With the new law SB 1718 that went into effect on July 1st, we saw an uptick in calls for services from affected individuals seeking advice as well as calls for information from people and organizations all over the state . Please read all about how Florida ILJ has been involved in the efforts to help protect those affected by SB1718.
In an effort to be able to meet an ever-growing demand for services, we also added two new members to the Florida ILJ Team: an attorney, Alekssandra Lopez; and, a paralegal, Tanya Fernanda. Their combined expertise and fresh perspectives are sure to help Florida ILJ continue to help our immigrant neighbors achieve their dreams.
Although summer was particularly busy for us, we hope that you have had time to relax and are re-energized and ready to recommit to justice. Together we can create a more inclusive and compassionate society for all.
In Gratitude,
Nicole León
In June of this year, the Department of Homeland Security announced a new program, aptly titled “Keeping Families Together.” It announced a new process by which spouses and stepchildren of US Citizens could request parole-in-place, an existing process already available to family members of military members. The program and this new process would allow spouses […]
Late last year, Florida Immigration Law and Justice Center started the process of becoming a subcontractor for ACACIA Center for Justice’s Unaccompanied Children Program. And in late November 2024, started the process of finalizing all the contracts and learning all about the program and what it entailed. Florida ILJ formally became a Legal Service Provider […]